Atariki Diving Center
Breathe, immerse yourself, feel the air flowing with a soothing sound and have fun in this spectacular underwater adventure with ATARIKI DIVING CENTER.
About us
Breathe, immerse yourself, feel the air flowing with a soothing sound and have fun in this spectacular underwater adventure.
+56 32 255 0227
+569 9838 9532
+569 8289 7629
Hanga Piko s/n (Bahía Escondida), Rapa Nui, Valparaíso 277000, Chile
Featured Reports:
Bananas from Rapa Nui and its cultural uses.
MaikaBananas from Rapa Nui and its cultural uses. by Roberto Rojas Pantoja The banana of the Musa genus is one of the most important plants for the people who live in the tropical and sub-tropical zones of the world. Originating from Southeast Asia, it propagated...
Kuini Analola, Rescuing ancestral navigation in Rapa Nui
Kuini AnalolaRescuing ancestral navigation in Rapa NuiMyths and legends tell us of the heroic migration of the Polynesians throughout the length and breadth of today’s Polynesia. However, the knowledge of the traditional methods of navigation has been almost lost...
Where do the turtles rest on Rapa Nui?
Where do the turtles rest on Rapa Nui?by Camila González e Ignacio Petitave you ever asked yourself how the animals sleep in the ocean? It’s not an easy question to answer, especially for those animals which can’t breathe under water and need to regularly return to...