Hena Naku – The God of Feathers

Hena Naku, the god of feathers, loved Te Pito o te Henua, the Navel of the World, the ancient name for Easter Island. The sea birds, which were under his protection, preferred to nest on the rocky cliffs that surround the Island.

International Conference – Ubud Bali 2016

Scientists who have for many years been studying the migrations of the Polynesian ancestors across the Pacific Ocean, met between the 6th and the 10th of last November at Villa Biyu-Siyu in Ubud, Bali. Several representatives of the Rapanui community were in attendance at this small, exclusive gathering which was organized by the archaeologist, Sonia Haoa of the Mata Ki Te Rangi Foundation.

Archaeoastronomy on Rapa Nui

Knowledge of the movements of the stars and planets and the seasonal changes, the definition of a lunar calendar and a systematic observation of celestial phenomena is a constituent part of the Rapanui heritage that was originally used for navigation and later, once settled on land, for agriculture.


The American base installed in the 1960s on Easter Island was part of a spatial espionage project for the Soviets. The journalist Patricia Stambuk clears all doubt with documents declassified by Washington.

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